
Holiday Agreement

Please ensure that you read and understand the Holiday Agreement before you submit your booking. By submitting a booking, you are deemed to have accepted the Holiday Agreement. 

This contract is with Sandend Holidays. A contract exists as soon as we have issued our confirmation of booking, please check this carefully to see that it accurately reflects your wishes.

Please inform us of any discrepancy in writing within 7 days unless your holiday is to start within 14 days, in which case you should inform us within 24 hours.

Comfortable Stay

We are family orientated and ask that this is respected by reducing noise on site between the hours of 2200 and 0730.

Please see the website for accurate prices for the season.

A non-refundable deposit of 25% is required to confirm the booking with the remaining balance being due 4 weeks prior - you will receive an automated email as a reminder.

If you book your stay within 28 days the full amount will be requested and this is non-refundable.

No refund will be offered for any awning not erected or additional persons that did not arrive.

Cancellation Terms & Procedures
We recommend that you take out insurance coverage for your holiday. Once the deposit or the full balance has been paid, a contract has been entered into.

If you wish to cancel or modify your holiday, please log back into your account and you can amend or cancel online.  

Your booking may be transferred on the following conditions: - 

  • if there is availability
  • within same season

No refund will be offered.

Access to Site

Sandend Holidays reserves the right to refuse admission to the site, or require an immediate departure from the site without notice or reason whether booked or not.

Arrival and Departure
All visitors MUST report to reception on arrival. If the reception is closed, then please call 07546073677.

Check-in is 1400-2000. We kindly ask that you check out on the day of departure 1000.

For any timings out with these, please contact us at 07546073677 or admin@sandendholidays.com


One vehicle per pitch is permitted on site at the door of your caravan or tent. Any additional vehicles must be parked off site, there is a public car park nearby. Where possible, please avoid vehicle movements after 2200 and before 0730. The speed limit on site is strictly 5mph and pedestrians have right of way.

Parking of commercial vehicles (including sign-written vehicles) on site is strictly prohibited.

Boats are not permitted on site. At management discretion, it may be possible to accommodate small trailers.

Sandend Holidays takes no responsibility for vehicles or their contents whilst parked on-site or nearby.

Hybrid / Electric Cars
The charging of hybrid / electric vehicles is not permitted on site. The site system is not designed for the charging of electric/hybrid vehicles at this time. 

We are looking to provide suitable charging points in the future.

Dogs (max 2 per pitch) are welcome provided this is disclosed at the time of booking. Pets should not be left unattended on the site at any time. Pets are not permitted in Holiday Homes or the Flat.

Dogs must be always kept on a lead and under control and are the responsibility of you, the owner. 

Please toilet your dogs off-site. Please make sure you clean up after your dog and use the bins provided at the edge of the dunes.  

Dogs, other than registered assistance ones are not allowed in any of the service blocks or the rental Holiday Homes.

Fires & Barbeques 

Fire pits are not permitted on site. Open fires on any part of the site are strictly prohibited.  Barbeques must be always supervised and are to be used for cooking only. Please keep barbeques at least 50cm off the ground, this includes whilst cooling.  

Holiday Homes/Flat

We expect you to leave our rental properties in a clean and tidy condition.

The hirer has no right to sub-let the above or permit more than the agreed number of persons detailed on the booking form to use our rental properties.

Pets are not permitted in our rental properties, unless you have an assistance dog.  If you would like to bring your assistance dog with you, please contact us so we can prepare for your stay with us.  

Sandend Holidays is a non-smoking (including e-cigarettes) environment, both in and outdoors. No smoking is allowed in any of the service blocks or sheltered areas.

All caravans and Holiday Homes on the Park have a 10amp supply. This is adequate for lights, television, fridge, hairdryer, vacuum cleaners, razor, radio, standard non convention microwave ovens, domestic kettles.

Please do not bring extra appliances to the holiday homes/flat as our 10amp supply will not accommodate this.

For Touring – please be aware of your amp usage. 

Please keep your pitch clean and tidy throughout your stay.
Wetsuits are not permitted in the shower block at any time. 

Dish washing is not permitted in the laundrette or shower block, please use facilities provided at the pot wash station.
Hot water is not to be removed from the site’s facilities. 

If the pitch you have been allocated allows space for an awning, the awning can only be used for a maximum of two weeks at a time, after which the grass must be allowed to recover (approx. 2 weeks).

Breathable ground sheet in awnings only please. 

Awnings must not be left unattended for more than 24 hours.

Damage to property
If the property is damaged, either intentionally or accidentally, we reserve the right to charge you for any costs associated with the repair or replacement. 

Data Protection
All the information taken at the time of booking is collected for the purpose of processing your booking. Please see the separate Privacy Policy.

Sandend Holidays nor any person acting on its behalf is in any way responsible for any loss, injury or damage sustained or for loss or damage to personal property, vehicles or the contents of both left within the site grounds, whether attended or unattended. This does not exclude liability caused by negligence or another breach of duty.

Privacy Policy

Sandend Holidays is committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation, strengthening the security and protection of its customers and employees data. ‘Data Protection Law’ includes the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679; the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and all relevant EU and UK data protection legislation.

Sandend Holidays complies with the data protection principles set out below. When processing personal data, it ensures that:

Only data specifically necessary for the supply of goods, services and accommodation to customers will be collected and stored. This includes Billing Address, Email Address and Payment Information.

it is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject (‘lawfulness, fairness and transparency’)

it is collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes (‘purpose limitation’)

it is all adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (‘data minimisation’)

it is all accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date and that reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay (‘accuracy’)

it is kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed (‘storage limitation’)

it is processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures (‘integrity and confidentiality’)

Online, only your order data billing, booking, and order contents data is stored on our server. This information is encrypted using a Secure  Layer before it is transmitted over a web server. We do not store payment details.

Any printed documentation that includes customer data is stored securely.

Our customers have a permanent right to request that all data be erased at any time. If you wish to be erased from our systems, please contact us.

Cookies allow the website to recognise repeat custom and cart contents. Used only to track this information.

We do not see or store any payment card data.

Whilst you are on holiday, we may take photographs for use on our social media pages – you can opt out of this by sending an email to admin@sandenedholidays.com

We expect all of our suppliers to have GDPR procedures in place and encourage customers to familiarise themselves with GDPR.

Sandend Holidays will ensure that all staff who handle personal data on its behalf are aware of their responsibilities under this policy and other relevant data protection and information security policies, and that they are adequately trained and supervised. The Director of Sandend Holidays takes ultimate responsibility for data protection.

If you have any concerns or wish to exercise any of your rights under the GDPR, then you can contact us at:


John Anderson Holdings Ltd

Trading As: Sandend Holidays

The Old School House

Seaview Road


AB45 2UA

T: 07546073677
E: admin@sandendholidays.com 

Cookie Policy

In order to optimise the experience of visitors to our website, we may use cookies to collect statistical usage data and make our website easier to use. These cookies do not identify you personally.

Cookies are small text files which are put on to your computer, tablet or mobile device by a website

We use a number of cookies and tracking technologies which record information about you automatically as further described below. Among other things, cookies help us to understand user behaviour and make our website work better.

This policy explains how we use cookies so you can understand what they are and what information they collect while you use our website.

You can set up your web browser to refuse cookies, but this means you won’t be able to book on our website or use all of its features.

By using our website, you agree to us using cookies as set out in this policy.

What we use cookies for

To collect information: This means we can learn more about how you use our website so we can improve your online experience.

To dynamically tailor your experience and provide functionality: Cookies allow us to provide you with information, products and features that we think you’ll find interesting.

To make our marketing more relevant: We can show you relevant offers and promotions on this website and through our advertising networks.

Collecting information

We only collect personal data from you by specifically asking for it:

When you submit an enquiry to or make a booking

When you otherwise contact us via the website or email

The information we collect

We limit the personal information collected to satisfy your expectations and fulfil our obligations.

We may collect 

  • the type of browser software and operating system used to access our website
  • the date and time you access our website; your clicks and movement through our website, including the pages you enter, visit and exit our website from
  • if you linked to our website from another website, the address of that website, or if you have visited our website by clicking on a link in an email sent to you.

We use this information to help us identify click stream patterns, to improve our website and to learn about the number of visitors to our website and the types of technology our visitors use, as well as the effectiveness of our email marketing. We use this information to ensure that our web pages stay compatible with a selection of browsers and systems and thereby ensure that the pages appeal to a wide audience.

What information this may include

Your name and contact details, including telephone number, email and postal address, as required by the site.  Your IP address, records of any correspondence, we do not see or store any payment card data.

How we use the information we collect

We will only use your personal information to satisfy your expectations and fulfil our obligations as follows:

To pass on the information to secure and fulfil your booking

To send you confirmation of your enquiry or booking, follow it up, or ask for feedback

To respond to any queries you have raised

For any communication deemed a legitimate purpose, such as notifying you of changes to our service or in order to carry out our obligations to you

To keep you updated on site happenings and future holiday promotions and discount codes

To assist with fraud prevention

Types of cookies we use

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies allow us to make sure you get the best possible experience on our website and its features and functions. They’re essential for you to be able to use the features and functions of our website, and to search and buy online with us.

Analytical / Testing Cookies

These cookies help us understand how our customers are using the website and how our website operates so we can make things better. We can also use this information to measure the effectiveness of our marketing and to test our website.

Behavioural / Functional Cookies

These cookies help us provide you with an online experience that’s tailored to your needs. They help us show you the most relevant content, based on your preferences. For instance, these cookies ensure that you are shown the correct contact details on our website.

We can also use these cookies in connection with features and services you use on our website, such as watching a video, publishing content to your social media feed.

Marketing Cookies

Marketing cookies can be used by us and they allow us to interact with you on our website and once you’ve left our website – by showing you an advert for example – to help you find the holiday that’s right for you.

We also use these cookies to measure the effectiveness of our advertising and to determine the frequency with which you are shown a particular advertisement.

We also use these cookies to send you marketing communications in accordance with your preferences.

You can find more information on the All About Cookies website (http://www.allaboutcookies.org/).

Refusing cookies

You can change your browser settings to accept or refuse all cookies, choose which cookies you want or don’t want, or ask to be notified when a cookie is set. Use the help feature in your browser to see how.

Changing your mind after you’ve accepted our cookies:

If you change your mind after you’ve accepted cookies, you’ll find an option within your internet browser to clear cookies that have already been set. Use the help feature in your browser to see how. You’ll then need to change your browser settings to refuse cookies in future.

Data security and retention

​We are committed to protecting your privacy and follow strict security procedures to ensure that your personal information is not damaged, destroyed, or disclosed to a third party without your permission, as well as to prevent unauthorised access. The computers that store the information are kept in a secure facility with restricted physical access, and we use hardware firewalls and other measures to restrict electronic access.

Your personal information will be stored for no longer than is reasonably required for record keeping, complying with legal obligations and resolving disputes. Any information which we have identified as sensitive will be encrypted prior to storage.

None of the information that we collect will be disclosed to any third party, other than when contacting a specific campsite on your behalf, to data processors acting on our behalf, or if we are required to do so by law.

We will never share your information with third parties for their own marketing purposes without your express consent.

Links to external websites

This website contains links to third party websites that we have no control over. If you opt to visit those sites then you should check you are happy with their own privacy policies and terms of use before providing any personal information.

Your rights

Any personal information submitted via our website must be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and you are entitled to withdraw your content for data processing at any time. If you have any concerns or would like to request a copy of the data we store about you, request amendments, or request that we delete your information, you may contact us via email.  

To find out more about your entitlements under this legislation, visit the Information Commissioner's web site at ico.org.uk, or read the Act online at www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2018/12/contents/enacted.

Your acceptance

By using this website, you consent to the collection and use of the above personal information in accordance with this privacy policy. Please re-read this policy from time to time to ensure that you are aware of any updates. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our site.